Being a woman is probably the best option I can think of, but it doesn’t mean it’s all bright and shiny. When it comes to our overall healthy well being, we have to take under consideration just a few more aspects.
First of all, hormone-wise, us women experience many changes with a greater amplitude. A high quality of sleep has a crucial impact over hormonal balance, also affecting the menstrual phase. Moreover, sleep deprivation can be the cause of hot flashes & night sweats, while appearing most times also with insomnia.
Furthermore, women’s chronic health issues are commonly under-reported and underdiagnosed, creating a vicious cycle of maintaining the problem and even worsening it. It seems to be very easy for a woman to get sleep deprived, as sometimes we spend our evening taking care of the family, house chores, social activities for ourselves and some self-care time that time just flies by, and we didn’t even have dinner yet.
Almost funny to mention, but sharing the sleeping environment with a snoring partner, or with a partner that has different sleeping habits, can really change our own habits, enabling a shorter sleep of lower quality. Well, maybe it’s time to bring these up in a conversation and taking care of our sleep as well.
Oh, and let’s not forget that women have a greater risk for sleep disorders both physiologically and statistically.
So… I was thinking that maybe this Women’s International Day will be about taking care and fixing those day-to-day little things, that overtime turn out as not so little, to create the ideal surroundings for us to thrive healthy and strong.