Sleeping well is a worthy goal we set for ourselves as individuals trying to become the best version of ourselves, and have a healthy well. A non-slept person might be suffering from a lack of energy, creativity along with physical symptoms. Yet it’s important to mention that we all have bad sleeping nights from time to time, just like some of the best artists known to this day.
Van Gogh, known to suffer from chronic insomnia, found his way to express his frustration and exceptional point of view through one of the most famous works of art ever - The Starry Night.
Salvador Dali, who’s sleep was definitely deprived, described through his paintings the fine line he found between sleep & awake, dream & reality.
Pablo Piccaso also joined the sleep related art club with a series of paintings of sleeping people, using warm colors and calming facial features and expressions.
For further reading read our full “Creative sleep” article.
And remember that just like many other health aspects, the quality of sleep is a scale, we all have good & bad night, and wishing to have more good ones.